Longtime owners have lovingly maintained this Crosswinds area home. Traditional floorplan with a central kitchen nicely refreshed with recent appliances and counters. Enjoy the warmth of the hardwood floors and natural woodwork.Back mudroom for all your gear and laundry. Off the kitchen the vaulted and fireplaced family room which opens to an awesome porch overlooking the backyard and pool area. Upstairs find three generous sized bedrooms two baths with the main bath ensuite. Don't miss the bonus unfinished attic offering more potential storage or expansion. Unfinished basement walks out to the garage and also offers plenty of room for storage and/ or expansion. So much to enjoy near this location, Bertozzi Conservation Area with the Squannacook River, Squannacook River Rail Trail, Fourth of July Fireworks , the new Groton Hill Music Center, excellent restaurants, Harbor Village Plaza with multiple stores including Hannaford's, Planet Fitness, and top rated schools too!!
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